19.2 C
Thursday, July 25, 2024

Latest COVID Stats For North and North East Lincolnshire

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  • The latest figures on Covid in Grimsby, Scunthorpe, Cleethorpes and across northern Lincolnshire


Over the past 24-hours 399 more people in North and North East Lincolnshire have been diagnosed with Coronavirus.

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Cases in the area are starting to fall with experts believing this could be the start of the end.

Official figures have revealed that in North East Lincolnshire the case rate stands at 1405.6 per 100,000 while North Lincolnshire has a rate of per 1374.8 per 100,000.

Local Covid-19 data for northern Lincolnshire

The number of positive test results in each area since the pandemic began

North East Lincolnshire: 38,248 (+206)

North Lincolnshire: 36,829 (+193)


The number of deaths within 28 days of a positive test result since the pandemic began

 North East Lincolnshire: 349 (0)

 North Lincolnshire: 354 (+1)

The number of new cases in the UK have dramatically fallen with 70,924 reported.


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