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Dermot O’Leary And Alison Hammond To Fight Rift Rumours

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This Morning Alison Hammon and Dermot O’Leary Don’t Want To Damage Their Relationship

This Morning Alison Hammond and Dermot O’Leary have become the perfect pairing on This Morning. However, some insiders claim Alison Hammon and Dermot O’Leary don’t get on.


ITV’s This Morning faced a major shakeup earlier this year when Phillip Schofield, one of the show’s long-standing presenters, announced his departure after admitting to an extramarital affair with a younger male colleague.

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This revelation caused significant upheaval within the show and strained Phillip’s relationship with his co-presenter, Holly Willoughby. Some viewers said Holly Willoughby threw Phillip Schofield under the bus while others called for her to be sacked.

This Morning stars Alison Hammond and Dermot O’Leary have been credited in helping to save This Morning after the Phillip Schofield scandal. Some viewers have called for Holly Willoughby to quit This Morning and for Alison and Dermot to take over full time. However, there have been stories of fighting behind the scenes.

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The fallout between Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby and the stories of Phillip Schofield affair damaged the ITV’s This Morning brand and popularity and they hoped the negative press would go away. However, with insiders claiming that Alison Hammond and Dermot O’Leary don’t see eye to eye, the show is once again in the press for the wrong reasons.

The rumours of tension have plagued the pair, leading to concerns about their working relationship. Dermot O’Leary and Alison Hammond have refused to confirm or deny any claims of a rift. This has left viewers wondering if the stories are true. What they have done is to make a pact which they hope will make their relationship strong.

Dermot O’Leary, 50, and Alison Hammond, 48, are aware that they may not always see eye to eye. However, they have made a conscious decision not to let any disagreements fester or impact their working relationship.

According to a report from Heat magazine, Dermot and Alison have a sibling-like relationship where they could have a minor tiff. They recognize the importance of maintaining a positive chemistry on-screen and have taken steps to ensure that any potential conflicts are addressed promptly.

A source told the publication: “They’re like siblings in a sense that you can have a minor tiff, but you still love one another.

“Their chemistry isn’t going to work if they’re both miserable, so they’re doing something about it, rather than risking another disaster for the show. They’ve made a pact to bring up anything that is said about them and also implemented a rule of checking in with one another at least once a week to make sure there’s no hurt feelings.”

And perhaps in an effort to kill off those rumours that there is tension between the pair, the source added: “Dermot’s been a shoulder for Alison to lean on at times, so for people to say there’s secret beef is really hurtful.”

In order to keep the air clear between them, Dermot and Alison have made a pact to monitor and discuss any rumours that may arise regarding their working relationship. This proactive approach allows them to address any misunderstandings or potential areas of tension before they escalate. By openly communicating and sharing their thoughts, Dermot and Alison aim to prevent any hurt feelings or lingering resentment from affecting their on-screen rapport.

Despite their efforts to maintain a strong partnership, rumours of tension between Dermot and Alison have persisted. Earlier this month, reports emerged suggesting that their work relationship was becoming increasingly strained, leading to concerns from ITV bosses.

An ITV insider told the Mail on Sunday at the time: “Alison and Dermot got off to a tricky start, they had very different levels of experience and came from totally different places, but they then did start to rub along quite nicely.

“Recently though things have become strained, and it is worrying the bosses, they fear that this couple they put together which they had hoped would carry the show through the tough times it is enduring may have to present apart a bit more.”

A spokesperson for the show dismissed these claims, stating that there is no tension between the two presenters. Alison herself even laughed off the speculation, sarcastically commenting on an Instagram post shared by Dermot, saying, “Cut the tension with a knife.”

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During a recent survey from In2town Today News we found that Alison Hammond and Dermot O’Leary have become the most popular presenters since Richard and Judy left. In second place, Eamonn Holmes and Ruth Langsford. Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby came in third place which makes TV insiders wonder why they are fighting to keep Holly on the show.

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