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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

My Wife Offers Value For Money Says Spalding Area MP John Hayes

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  • The Conservative MP for South Holland and The Deepings has hit back at those people who object to him hiring his wife to work for him.

Some people have come forward and said family members should not be allowed to work for the Spalding-area MP. However, according to John Hayes his wife is more than qualified to work for him and offers value for money.

Sir John Hayes employs his wife Susan Hayes as a part-time administrative manager. According to the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA), Mrs Hayes’ salary band is £40,000 to £44,999.99 (If employed full time).

Parliamentary rules state that no funding will be offered to ‘connected parties’ of MPs who took up office after 2017. However, this does not include MPs who took office before that date.

Sir John has been an MP since 1997, so those rules do not affect him.

Even though the rules do not affect the Spalding area MP, many of those who live in the area feel he has a moral duty to replace his wife and hire someone who is not connected to his family.

Sit John has publicly said that MPs should be allowed to employ someone related to them if they are well qualified to do so and they provide value for money.

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