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Monday, September 9, 2024

Drinks Being Spiked On The Rise In Lincolnshire

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Lincolnshire and Humberside Police are warning women to keep an eye on their drinks as more women report their drinks being spiked while on a night out.

Drinks being spoked has become a big problem in Lincoln, and now it has been revealed that the problem has hit Cleethorpes.

One woman has reported how her drink was spiked while on a night out in Cleethorpes.

She explained to the Grimsby Telegraph how she woke up after a night out in Cleethorpes with no idea how she got home. As well as not remembering how she got home, she also found that her phone and handbag were missing.

Two of her friends also suffered the same incident, showing spiking drinks is on the increase in Cleethorpes and surrounding areas.

Over the past few weeks there has been a huge increase in the number of people reporting their drinks have been spiked in Lincolnshire. The trend is not just in Lincolnshire. Women in Nottingham and also in Manchester are reporting to police that their drinks have been spiked.

Humberside and Lincolnshire Police are now warning women to keep an eye on their drinks at all times.

If anyone sees anyone acting suspiciously around a person’s drink, they are being asked to report this to the police as well as members of staff in the establishment.

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