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Saturday, September 14, 2024

Cleethorpes Could Be Losing A Popular Amusement Arcade

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  • New plans proposed for historic Empire building in Cleethorpes


A popular amusement arcade in Cleethorpes could be transformed if new plans are given the go-ahead by North East Lincolnshire Council.

The Empire Building on Alexandra Road which is currently used as an Amusement Arcade is ear marked for a major redevelopment.

Plans have been submitted to North East Lincolnshire Council that would see the historic Empire building brought back to life.

The building which was listed as grade two in 1998 has gone through many transformations over the years. In 1896 it was a theatre, and then it was a cinema and now it is an amusement arcade.

The plans submitted by John Armitage state the historic building will be turning into a multi-function space.

The ground floor section of the building would be turned into retail space, and on the first floor there will be a bar and restaurant. The second floor will be turned into a three-bedroom flat.

A report supporting the refurbishment states: “The new floor will enable the majority of the existing building to be used and given a new lease of life, allowing members of the public once again to see the building and all the character it has to offer.

“The stage will also be brought back into use giving the opportunity to host shows and events once more.”

North East Lincolnshire Council is currently assessing the plans and a decision will not be expected until early next year.

However, there are mixed feelings about the new plans for the Empire Building. Some local residents are concerned about parking issues and noise. While other people are worried about losing yet another tourist attraction. Some people however have welcomed the new plans.


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