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Katie Price To Relaunch TV Career With Celebrity Big Brother

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Katie Price For Celebrity Big Brother In Mega Money Deal


Katie Price is hoping to revive her failed television career by being a contestant on Celebrity Big Brother.

The one time popular reality show star who watched her television career nose dive after leaving ITV2 for Living, is hoping her appearance on Celebrity Big Brother will get television bosses interested in her again, but will it work?

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Katie Price who has hit out at her ex-husband Peter Andre in her new book, is close to signing a big money deal worth six-figures to appear on Celebrity Big Brother, although Channel Five have not confirmed or denied the claims.

If Katie Price does sign up for the new Celebrity Big Brother show which starts in January 2014, then this could provide the show with its biggest ratings to date.

A source at Channel Five have told In2town Lifestyle News: “Although Katie Price does not have a television career anymore, she is still a big star and would attract huge ratings for Celebrity Big Brother.”

Katie Price who has appeared on other reality shows including “I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here” has seen her ex-husband Peter Andre become more popular and has seen his career hit new heights since they divorced.

Media experts have predicted that Katie Price would win Celebrity Big Brother and it would help relaunch her television career.

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