How to lose body fat fast and the principles of fat loss

How to lose body fat fast

For people looking to learn how to lose body fat fast, we have got together with a fat burning expert. Bio-Synergy Ambassador Dr Gary L Bartlett has put together some important information on how to low fast so we can learn the secrets to a better body.

Putting weight on is so much easier than losing weight. Some people can struggle for years to get the healthy figure they have dreamt of.  Effective Tips to Lose Belly Fat


Little-to-no fat is little-to-no good


Although the UK is going through a serious obesity pandemic, what we also have to understand is having little or no fat can be just as dangerous as someone have too much fat. For the body to function properly it must have a certain level of what we call essential fat.

Men and women need different levels of fat. Women require a minimal body fat percentage of 10 to 13 while men require 2 to 5 percent. To fall below these levels can cause serious health problems, which is why when looking how to lose fat fast, it is done in the correct and controlled manner.


Going below the fat percentage levels can cause the following health problems:


increased risk of heart disease

vitamin deficiencies

nervous system damage

fertility issues

a weakened immune system



When you body fat loss goes to far and you burn too much fat it can also result in the break down of muscle which can result in a person feel tired and week, and less motivated.


Why People Want To Know How To Burn Weight Fast

best way to burn fatFat loss! There are many different reasons people want to lose fat. Reasons include being fitter, wanting to be more attractive, muscular, toned, becoming healthier and reducing the risk obesity related metabolic disease. Such disease includes type II diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stroke, inflammation and some cancers just to name a few.

A combination of eating habits, your genetics and lifestyle choices will determine how much excess fat your body will store. Whilst we have our parents to blame for our genetics which unfortunately cannot be altered, we can all modify our lifestyle choices by eating healthier and undertaking more exercise. 

With obesity reaching epidemic proportions so are metabolic related diseases. Rates of obesity worldwide have almost doubled since 1980.

Losing excess body fat comes down to the basic principle of calorie deficit. The simple equation is as follows;

Consume more calories in a day than you burn off = fat gain

Burning more calories in a day than you consume = fat loss.

Think; excess calories will be converted to and stored as fat.

Some people will say that their weight gain is due to their ‘glands’ or ‘hormones’. This isn’t strictly true. However, a hormonal imbalance can alter your metabolism and the rate at which your body burns calories. Simply this means that you need to consume less calories or work harder to increase calorie expenditure and you will lose weight.

To lose fat, a calorie deficit is crucial. A calorie deficit promotes the breakdown of fat stores to provide the body with an alternative energy source. 

Steady long-term sustainable fat loss is the correct approach when losing weight. Massively cutting out calories from your diet by removing all foods rich in calories and exercising intensively for hours on end may prove more detrimental in the long run.

Ketogenic diets are very much in vogue and is a proven method of losing fat fast. This diet involves very low consumption of carbohydrates coupled with high fat and protein intake; like the Atkins diet.

burn fat for menKetogenic diet foods include:

Meat – red and lean meats

Fatty fish – salmon, mackerel and tuna



Cheese – unprocessed such as cheddar, goats, mozzarella

Nuts and seeds – almonds, walnuts, flax seeds,

Healthy oils – extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil


Low-carbohydrate vegetables – greens, tomatoes, peppers, onions


3 meals a day are advisable with healthy keto snacks to supplement your hunger between meals.

Foods to avoid include:

Sugary processed foods – sodas, fruit juice and smoothies, cakes, sweets

Grains and starches – wheat based, rice, pasta, bread, cereals

Fruits -all except for berries/strawberries

Beans and legumes – peas, chickpeas, kidney beans

Root vegetables – potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, parsnips

Low-fat dietary products – processed foods

Unhealthy fats -mayonnaise and processed vegetable oils

Alcohol – Beer is loaded with carbohydrates and will pull you out of ketosis

Sugar-free foods – often processed and can affect ketone levels

how to lose thigh fat fastStudies have shown that this nutritional approach has a physiological and biochemical basis to achieve effective weight loss.  The diet involves consuming almost no carbohydrates (like your potatoes, pastas and bread) thus depleting the muscle of carbohydrates and the body resorts to consuming an alternative energy source; fat. After a few days of fasting or consuming less than 20 grams of carbohydrates per day, your glucose reserves become insufficient to fuel the body.  The body will then mobilise energy rich fat stores to meet your metabolic demands. The breakdown of fat to be used as an energy source results in the production of ketones. The body is literally stripped of fat. 

There is strong supportive evidence that ketogenic diets do work. Studies have shown that ketogenic diets lead to early satiety (state of feeling full much sooner). Ketones derived from the breakdown of fat have a direct effect on suppressing the appetite whilst inhibiting fat storage and promoting fat breakdown. There is evidence to support that in the short term, a greater degree of fat loss is achieved through ketogenic diets when compare with a low fat diet.

If being toned or muscular is important to you when undertaking a calorie deficit, remember it’s vital to continue weight training whilst consuming an adequate amount of protein. If not, you will start to breakdown muscle losing the mass and volume that you have worked so hard to develop.

On the flip side there is increasing evidence that in the short-term ketogenic diets can have an adverse effect on bone metabolism leading to a reduction in bone mass and density i.e.; thinner bones and increased risk of bone fractures. As well, high amounts of protein consumed can adversely affect the kidneys leading to kidney stones and raised levels of uric acid which is a leading cause of gout. It is recommended that transitioning to a ketogenic diet should be done gradually to reduce the risk of such complications.

We have all heard of good fats and bad fats, but what does this mean? Good fats are your monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (omega-3s). These fats tend to be liquid at room temperature. Examples include; olive oil, fish oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, palm oil. When eaten in moderation, good fats can lower levels of bad cholesterol and improve cardiovascular health. For those with high cholesterol levels, then a switch to ‘healthy fats’ can prove beneficial. Nuts are known to be high in fat but contains good fats

Bad fats are your saturated or trans fats which are often processed, and factory produced. These tend to be solid at room temperature and known to increase your levels of bad cholesterol. Think of the grease that solidifies in the baking tray after grilling bacon or sausages. Examples include fat from meat, margarine, peanut oil, sunflower oil, canola oil. It’s all about moderation. Consumption of high amounts of good fats can be detrimental.


Benefits of fasting for short periods include:

    resting your digestive system

    possibly increasing your lifespan

    reducing your risk of chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease as well as improving blood pressure, metabolic rate, cholesterol levels and insulin sensitivity.


Negative effects of fasting include:

    diminished energy levels


    nutrient deficiencies



Fasting is unsuitable for pregnant women, people suffering with type I diabetes as well as children.

Once fasting has finished you may find yourself over-eating and in fact gaining weight!


In summary, a low carbohydrate ketogenic diet can promote fat breakdown as well acting as an appetite suppressant leading to weight loss. Ketogenic diets should range from a minimum of 2-3 weeks to induce an effective ketogenesis to a maximum of 6-12 months. Transitioning back to a normal diet should also be done gradually. Ketogenic diets can be a very useful tool in controlling weight loss and reducing obesity and therefore lower the risk of obesity associated metabolic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, stroke, inflammation and some cancers. 

When undertaking drastic changes in your diet, it is always advisable to first consult your healthcare professional.

Written in conjunction with Bio-Synergy Ambassador Dr Gary L Bartlett.